Individual Passage PlanningCharts Gloss Laminated
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The Gulf Islands | Add To Cart USD $12.45 |
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Desolation Sound | Add To Cart USD $12.45 |
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The Sunshine Coast | Add To Cart USD $12.45 |
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The San Juan Islands | Add To Cart USD $12.45 |
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The Broughtons | Add To Cart USD $12.45 |
6a |
The West Coast |
Not Available |
6b |
The West Coast |
Not Available |
6c |
The West Coast |
Not Available |
6d |
The West Coast |
Not Available |
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Puget Sound | Add To Cart USD $12.45 |
Add Charts
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PNW Classic |
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Cruising Regions red |
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Spring Special Six Charts Laminated |
Add To Cart USD $12.45
Add To Cart USD $12.45
Add To Cart USD $49.95
Paper Chart Packs32 lb. bond. 12" x 17"
Add To Cart USD $9.95 Discontinued |
Add To Cart USD $14.94 Discontinued |
Add To Cart USD $19.95 Discontinued |
About the Charts |
DREAMSPEAKER GUIDES DEVELOP SIX HANDY INSIDE PASSAGE CHARTS FOR TRIP PLANNING Following requests from numerous boaters, Laurence Yeadon-Jones spent over two years developing six handy Trip/Inside Passage Charts that complement their Dreamspeaker Cruising Guide Series for planning your next BC sailing adventure. His practical approach was to build a set of workable inside passage charts layered from current chart mapping data that included NOAA, CHS and Admiralty Charts. Initially, hand-drawn at a scale of 1:200,000 each inside passage chart was reduced equally to ensure that the final product was of equal scale, and when overlapped, created a consistent representation of the Inside Passage from Puget Sound, WA to the Broughtons, BC. Neatly sized at 11.5 x16 inches and sold individually as a set of six, these versatile charts are quality Laminated. Hand-drawn and watercolour by Laurence Yeadon-Jones. |
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